Pi Omega’s “Staying Alive” Health Festival

Baltimore, MD. On Saturday, June 19, 2010, the brothers of Pi Omega Chapter hosted their “Staying Alive” health festival. The “Staying Alive” health festival was held outdoors on the premises of the Fraternity center and promoted health initiatives to the residents of Baltimore City. The festival offered residents free prostate cancer screenings sponsored by Chesapeake Urology Associates. Residents were also provided with free HIV screenings by Sisters Together and Reaching, Inc. and H1N1 vaccinations were provided by the Baltimore City Health Department. The Baltimore City Fire Department provided free smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors as well as fire safety tips.

As a variety of services were being offered residents were also treated to a cookout and a step show from the men of Pi Omega Chapter. Additional musical entertainment was provided by Baltimore’s Magic 95.9 fm, Old School Productions, Inc., and the entire neighborhood came out to see the infamous New Edition Marching band.

   The “Staying Alive” health festival proved to be a major success and provided services to those who normally would not be able to afford them. Pi Omega aims to make this an annual event in an effort to continue providing service to the neighborhood and surrounding community.

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2003 Presbury Street
Baltimore, MD 21217
(443) 478-3387