Pi Omega the home chapter of the Most Honorable Bishop Edgar Amos Love.
Following the founding of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity on the campus of Howard University in 1911, and the founding of chapters on various other campuses, there was a concern on the part of Brothers to continue the fellowship they developed as undergraduate members, and felt they, as an organization could make positive contributions to their communities. In 1920, members of the fraternity founded the two graduate chapters in other communities, and in 1921, the late Brother Linwood G. Koger, a local attorney, who was initiated as an Omega Man into Alpha Chapter at Howard University in 1912, saw a need for a graduate chapter in the Baltimore community. He, with Brothers George W. Evans, J. Steward Davis, William T. Carr, Harry T. Pratt, John Hurst and R. Garland Chissell received the charter for Pi Omega Chapter. Soon after, Brothers Edward N. Wilson and James H. Carter were initiated into the Brotherhood.
From the beginning, Pi Omega Chapter has been instrumental in sponsoring programs that foster achievement, scholarship, community action, and the search for talent. Over the years, it has contributed to various organizations, programs, and schools, which serve as valuable resources to the Baltimore community.
In 1923, the Brothers of Pi Omega Chapter lent its support in the founding of an undergraduate chapter, Pi Chapter, on the campus of then Morgan College.
In 1983, chapter members had the vision of establishing a firmer base in the Baltimore community when they purchased a structure and identified it as the Omega Center, a site for not only their fraternity activities, but also a place that could be available to the community. As educators, religious leaders, attorney, businessmen, politicians, government officials, physicians, dentists, social and physical scientists, engineers, military men, artists, writers and entertainers,